Monday, October 4, 2010

Form : Elements of Design

In this picture form is shown because the rocks are 3 dimensional and they form a cross.

Shade : Element of Design

In this picture it shows shade because as you go down it gets brighter, showing the light source.

Colour : Element of Design

This picture shows color because everything is black and white except for the rainbow. The rainbow stands out in the picture.

Shape : Element of Design

In this picture the shapes are smaller and smaller as you go down.
This gives the idea that they are farther away.

The train tracks show space because it gives the sense of movement. As you go farther away, the train tracks will get smaller and smaller.

Space : Element of Design

In this picture the gooses are overlapping. This gives a sense that one goose is further back than the other.
In this picture detail is used. The hills that are closer have more details while the hills that seem farther back have less detail and blend in the background.

Line : Element of Design

In the first picture horizontal lines are used and give a calm quiet feeling. The second picture has vertical lines that show more of movement or speed.