Thursday, September 30, 2010

Avatar Project done on photoshop


  1. SICK!!! Only thing is that your right ear looks a little faded

  2. Cool, you added a bow & arrow. What happened to your right eat? Overall looks good, keep up the good work!

  3. First of all, very creative adding a bow and arrow. It makes the avatar look more realistic, since they didn't have guns. XD

    I think maybe a more jungle themed backgound, as oppossed to a forest one, would be more appropriate, though it is your decision.

    The dots are really well placed, but I also think a different selection of war paint would make it look more realistic.

    Your eyes are very well done though. The surrounding area has a lot of good small detail to make it look good. Same with the hiar. They both look incredibaly realistic.

    Overall, I think it's very well done. Good job, but there seems to be a small transparent part at your ear that looks a bit off.

    Once again, amazing job on the hair. It's seriously awesome. ;D


  4. good job! i like how you added tattos on your arm!

  5. really nice avatra :) but try to make blur ur hair with your avatar so it blends in cause it looks like you cut it out but everythi ng else is good like how your avatar is well done

  6. nice avatar, the only problem is your ear looks like got cut of, good job

  7. Your right ear is transparent. Other than that, no flaws really stand out.
